Boy, have I heard this from so many people! Okay, here’s the scoop. At this time I am refraining from including the Amendments. Here is the reason...
I have recently acquired quite an in-depth study regarding an Amendment to the Constitution. The problem with the Amendment is that it isn’t located in the printing of the Amendments as we know them today. This Amendment was orginally submitted in 1810. It took until 1819 for the Amendment to be ratified. After the ratification it was reprinted with the full Constitution and other Amendments by many States and Territories. Somewhere during the confusion of the Civil War this Amendment was removed and after the war ended the Amendment regarding slavery (The 13th as we know it today) was put in its place. The current government entity is quite aware of the Amendment and have made several excuses why it isn’t valid but they have also been presented with material to discount their claims. At this time they prefer to just say that it was "printed in error." I think not!
I am also looking into what I am told is a wording change from earlier this century on another Amendment.